Gratitude Is The Attitude For Long - Lasting Change

Since Thanksgiving is this week, I thought I’d share a practice I started about 2 years ago. 

Being grateful.

When I initially started doing it, I thought it was a bunch of b.s. Something that makes you ‘think’ in a positive way but bypasses the negative things. So at the end of the day, are you really facing the things you need to face? Are you ignoring experiences to appear “positive”? 

What I didn’t initially understand is that this gratefulness exercise needed to be put into practice. This is when the real magic started for me and how I always practice my own attitude of gratitude. 

So, you may be wondering how I actually put this into practice on the daily. Well, here we go!

It actually starts the evening before. Before my head hits the pillow I think of 5-10 things I am grateful for. Whether they are positive or negative, I thank those things for either bringing more joy into my life or for appearing as lessons for me.

Each of the things I find to be grateful for, I set the intention of either increasing the positivity around it (Doing more of it.  Can it be better? How can I relish in the moment more?) OR coming at the situation from a different angle. This is then my new intention for the following day that I will take action on. 

So, here’s how it breaks down. 

Gratitude + Intention Applied = Long-Lasting Change. 

Just like anything, in order for it to be effective you have to do it for an extended period of time to truly see the overall positive effects. 

What I’ve personally noticed is my own ability to step out of situations and back in seamlessly without jarring my own psyche. Being less reactionary and coming from a more curious disposition.

Sounds impossible, huh? It IS possible!!!

I challenge you all to start thinking of 1 thing you are grateful for and seeing if you can expand on it each day. 

I promise this will change your life.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.


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