Where To Start When You Decide It’s Time To Start Exercising Again.

It’s that time of year (even amidst a global pandemic) where the idea of new year’s resolutions start to roll into your thoughts. You reflect on the things that maybe you didn’t execute as well on as you could have and on the things you absolutely dominated. 

This New Year, 2021, you decide it’s time to really invest in your physical wellbeing. 


Here are 3 things I would suggest you do:

1. Start where YOU currently are. Meaning, do not go balls to the walls and then quit a day or a week into it because you’ve either hurt yourself or deemed it as “too much”. It’s easier to build and expand a habit overtime than it is to start and stop constantly. 

2.  Write out a list of 5-10 things you want to accomplish and why. 


Physical goal: 

Pull-ups, push-ups, squats, walking 3 miles a day, etc. 

What it brought you:

Doing something you never thought was possible. 

Staying injury free through it all. 

Playing with your kids or grandkids without getting winded. 

Write it all down!

3. Hire a reputable professional. Even if you can only meet with this person once a month it’s better than trying to sift through the god awful amount of misinformation there is out there. Not only will this expedite your journey, but it will more than likely keep you going longer than you ever have on your own.


A Biased “Fitness” Revolution:


Gratitude Is The Attitude For Long - Lasting Change