Take Control Of Your Physical Life By Exercising With Autonomy

Have you ever made a decision without any outside influence? 

Have you ever questioned a specific point of view you once found to be true, but over time it no longer served you?

I hope you thought these through for a quick second…

Let’s bring it back to the health and fitness industry.

Have you felt like something was missing when you try over and over again to follow all the fitness guru’s “words of wisdom”? 

You’ve heard phrases such as:

Toes pointed straight forward when you squat!!!

Don’t arch your back!!!

Don’t lock out your knees!!!

Always have a slight bend in your elbows!!!

How many of you have followed these “rules” and are still battling aches and pains which never seem to get better OR get worse?

I know I am not alone in this experience as most of my clients have experienced this as well. 

What I wonder is how many of you have questioned these “isms” but always received the same answer?

Your gut was telling you, you were missing information. That you shouldn’t be feeling like you’re 85 when you’re only 25. That when you do point your toes forward while squatting, it hurts YOUR knees. That natural arch in your low back that you’ve been told is “bad,” and after years of tucking it in seems to hurt it MORE. 

You remain silent because you have been brainwashed into thinking that you cannot question the status quo. That it's normal to exercise in pain because you’ve heard and experienced nothing else. 

This is a recipe for dependency, not autonomy. An industry that thrives on you getting worse and worse until the damage is irreparable unless through surgery. 

Angry yet? You should be.

When did we decide that in the exercise setting it's okay to NOT advocate, question or dismantle the “rules” we’ve been given?

Comment below your experiences.


Gratitude Is The Attitude For Long - Lasting Change


Every Moment You Choose To Not Do Anything Is A Choice In The Wrong Direction.