System Reboot or System Shutdown?

When addressing any sort of symptomatic issue (pain in the knee, tightness in the shoulder, low back pain, etc.) within the body we tend to go straight to the source of the issue. 

Knee pain? Address the muscles of the knee on the side that is affected.

Low back pain? Address some hip muscles and do the “cobra” stretch

Shoulder pain? “Relax” some of the neck muscles and work on the deltoid directly.

Take a look back at the three examples I just gave.

What do they have in common?

They completely lack what and how these things affect every other muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage, etc. in your body when they are under any sort of mechanical stress. (i.e. injury whether mild or severe)

Your ENTIRE body will compensate to make sure you are still able to do the things you are asking it to do. Even with something not working as well as it can. 

Which then you have to ask…

How long do my other muscles have to continue to overperform for the lack of performance on the injured muscles?

If you never address the ripple effect the initial trauma had on your system, it can be a while (I’m talking years). Think about how long you’ve been ignoring things!!!

Now that you have a bit more knowledge on systemic issues, let’s drop in WITH you and see what is really going on. 

Let’s use the above example to reformulate how you would approach this…

How has my knee been affecting the rest of my body? 

Take a moment. Really ask yourself and follow where you may be feeling any other sources of discomfort. 

Maybe you feel something in your neck.

Maybe in your foot.

Maybe in your back.

Maybe in your shoulder. 

The good part is, you’ve now identified the ripple effect the knee injury has had within your body. 

Here is the caveat: 

With the right exercises given to your system at the right times for it, things can quickly change. I’m talking within a week to a few weeks of feeling your whole entire body feeling less stressed. 

Less tightness. 

Less caution doing things. 

Less mental stress.

Sounds wonderful, right?!

It’s completely possible for every single person if they decide to take the journey of educating themselves on themselves.

When are you going to decide that the way you have been living is unacceptable? 

(If you read through this, the time is now)


S.O.S - Shiny Object Syndrome


Tightness. The Never Ending Quest For Relief.