Muscles On Demand
Ever wish your muscles just contracted whenever you wanted them to?
Have you ever tried to contract your muscles just by thinking about it?
Most people’s sense of “feeling” muscles is from performing exercises repetitively over an extended period of time. Aka lactic acid builds up and you start to feel the burn.
What if I told you there is a way to contract the muscles you intend to work on demand? From the moment you decide to do the exercise, throughout the ENTIRE motion, until you are done with the set?
You may be thinking, “that’s easy!!! You just load it up and go!”
What I’ll come back with is….
Have you ever tried to engage your…
Obturator externus?
Serratus anterior?
Teres major?
Most will come back with them thinking I’m speaking Greek (one of these days ;)) - I’ve lost my marbles and those muscles don’t exist.
Which is false.
What we need to understand is there is SOOOOOOO much more to exercise than just the motions of it. It’s what the muscles do connecting from bone to bone that create the motions you want to achieve. The caveat, you need to know where these things attach and how they move to affect positive change. To get them to work on demand.
You may be wondering how the hell you do this on your own if you do not have the in depth knowledge of anatomy.
Below is your starting point!!!
We all know what a bicep curl is, right?
You won’t even need weights for this!
Stand there with your arms turned out/palms forward. Elbows extended by your sides. Before you go into the motion of a bicep curl, I want you to start to contract your biceps. You may need to bend your elbows slightly, but you should be able to get some squeeze from those muscles with your arms in that position. Keeping that squeeze going, bend the elbows as much as you can without losing that tension you initially created. You need to keep that squeeze going all the way back down to your starting position as well. BREATHE.
Congratulations, you just did THE BEST repetition of a bicep curl EVER.
Now, rinse and repeat until you can’t do anymore.
Once you’ve established this, come back to me with other muscles you want to start to contract on demand.