Why Your Muscular Issues Never Seem To Get Better.

Ever gone to the doctor for any sort of muscle or joint issue?

What generally happens when you go see your doctor…?

I’ll walk you through it!

Step 1: Ignore all signs that something is going on until it hurts to walk on, move it, or it breaks.

Step 2: Go see the doctor.

Step 3: Doctor gives you “diagnosis” of said problem; prescription specifically written to PT/OT/Chiro.

Step 4: Go to the recommended place for care.

Step 5: Issue seems to be better, but other things are bugging you still. (it’s cool, just ignore it. You go on with your life)

Step 6: Same issue pops back up even after you continue to diligently do what was suggested to you.

Step 7: Bang head on floor because this always seems to happen. 

What you may be wondering is:

WHY do I keep going in circles only to find myself back in the same place?!?!


You were only shown about 2% of the entire situation. 

Your neuromuscular system works as one entity. When something isn’t functioning as well, something else will pick up the slack. Which is good news in the short term, but not so much in the long term. 

Now, you may be wondering HOW you can get a better look at your entire neuromuscular system.... 

I personally use Muscle Activation Techniques® with my clients to determine their underlying or surface level muscular/joint issues. We go through a complete head-to-toe range of motion assessment. This reveals what is limited and what is not. We then determine their current muscular tolerance levels through testing and treating the weak muscles. (more to come on this!)

What this creates FOR you is a more stable, homeostatic environment for your system to be working in. Meaning your whole system will be functioning better not just the 2% you decided needed to be taken care of because it “hurt”.

Personally, I like (and my clients like!) having everything in my body working as efficiently and effectively as possible. 

Don’t you?

Interested in working me?

Click the “Connect” tab to get in contact with me about what would work best for you and your situation.


What To-Do When The “Check Engine” Light Keeps Going Off In Your Body.


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